Timmy Toons Art, hand-drawn frames by long-time Warner Bros. animator and cartoonist Tim Walker, are available for sale now for the first time on our brand-new website! For the lover of the Golden Age of American Animation, these prints are a meaningful, nostalgic form of wall art you can use to decorate your space in a cool, unique way. Shop our selection of Timmy Toons now!
Meaningful, Nostalgic Wall Art For Sale
Who Is Tim Walker?
Tim Walker is an old-school, American cartoon animator, who is responsible for producing the motivational frames sold here at Timmy Toons. The origination cartoon art sold here is created in a similar style as cartoons such as Mr. Magoo and The Flintstones, embodying the art style of United Products of America (UPA) during the mid-20th century.
In the mid-2000s, Tim started to notice a growing weakness in his drawing arm; he had begun to develop Lateral Parkison’s disease. Because of this, he adapted and learned to draw with his non-dominant hand. Because of the challenges associated with Parkinson’s, Tim’s art has taken on a new meaning. Now, at least for him, every cartoon he draws is a real blessing, standing for his commitment to never give up, to keep practicing, and to keep fighting. No matter how challenging it becomes, Tim is committed to never stop drawing.
The nostalgic wall art for a previous age of American cartoons speak of more than just childhood reveries, cool, confident design, and a dream of fun time’s past — it also can be read in light of the challenge of each and every line and brush stroke; as inspiration to overcome daunting challenges, to not overthink things, and to simply draw.
Tim Walker’s sketches are raucous, unique, and express his full-hearted vision of hope and overcoming challenges. See Tim’s cartoon art for yourself!
Drawing Cartoons with Parkinson’s Disease — Finding New Ways of Drawing
Parkison’s exposed Tim to techniques that he otherwise would have missed, such as how to draw with his non-dominant hand and use different types of hand-brush strokes.
There are both visible and invisible realities with Parkison’s, which Tim aims to help reveal in his work. There are no “off days” for Tim, not to say that some days aren’t easier than others for creating his works.
Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, afflicting 3% of people over the age of 65. The relationship between Parkinson’s and art has been studied for decades, and shows some intriguing results. Parkinson’s seems to be linked to an increased desire to create art.
The reasons or this can be understood in part on a neurological level. Parkinson’s disease progressively impairs the brain’s capacity to produce dopamine, which is an essential neurotransmitter for movement, behavior, learning, attention, and more. The most outward signs of Parkison’s, such as tremors and problems with motor control, are associated with this impairment. Treatment for Parkinson’s targets the promotion of levodopa (the precursor to dopamine). The spontaneous spikes of dopamine that can be associated with Parkinson’s seems to induce artistic expression, quite often.
Despite the downsides of the disease, it often also comes with intriguing creative enhancement effects, in part associated with modulations in dopamine levels. The collective body of evidence developed from studies on dopamine and Parkinson’s suggests that lowering inhibitions and increasing rewards and associations plays a significant role in artistic motivation. Research suggests that one factor that sets artists apart is their lowered inhibition, general attitude, and, potentially simply their higher dopamine levels.
However, that’s merely the hardware side of our bodies. The software; the passion; the drive — that’s what’s really interesting. Parkinson’s is Tim’s condition under which he creates his art. Take it or leave it.
If you’d like to see some cartoons designed by an old-school animator or would like to buy some nostalgic wall art, visit our shop page today!